Geometric Technologies CAMWorks 2010 SP0.1 (x32/x64) | 763 MB
CAM Works - one of the most advanced and intelligent systems for creating NC programs for machining of solids (programs milling, turning, turning, milling and wire EDM). In CAMWorks implemented full associativity with the geometry of all the changes in the environment of SolidWorks.
The following types of machines:
• milling with simultaneous control of two ч five axles;
• CNC single-and duplex, with one or two slides, with a programmable servo-mechanism (tailstocks, lunettes, catcher details ...);
• Turning and Milling single and duplex, with one or two slides, with a programmable servo-mechanism, with simultaneous control of two ч five axles;
• Erosion of the two-and chetyrehosevye.
Treatment is carried out directly in SolidWorks and directly on the model of SolidWorks. The results of the programmer are stored in the same model parts or assemblies SolidWorks. This provides full associativity of the model and the tool path that leads to the automatic renewal of all the trajectories of the tool during the model changes. When you add in the SolidWorks model of any process data, such as the designation of roughness, base, tolerances of form and position of surfaces, tolerances on dimensions, engineer-programmer always has immediate access to them, which facilitates the selection scheme based on the machine parts and selection of required provide a given quality of parts of the tool and cutting conditions. The part can be easily adapted to the needs of processing by, for example, avoiding redundancies in terms of processing elements of geometry or by applying to the executive size models in the middle of the field for admission. While working with the SolidWorks assembly can perform a joint processing of multiple parts, program processing a series of items, or just completely simulate all the real situation on the machine table - all of snap-in, logging of any complexity, and so on - for the most complete *** the realities of treatment at the earliest stages creation of the program.
In his work CAMWorks uses an intelligent database that stores and provides the user as needed different kind of technological information. First of all, a library of tools, materials and cutting conditions and machine tools. In addition, in the same database stored library of standardized enterprise strategies, or processes, treatment. Processing strategies in CAMWorks - a set of operations, conceived to carry out the details of the item, the default values of all parameters of each operation (the scheme and the processing step, allowances, the plane hits, the rules of incision into the material supply and removal tool, and so on), the rules recruiting tool for each operation, rules for the selection of cutting conditions. All libraries are available immediately with the initial filling, allowing immediately after installation to begin work. All libraries can be modified and supplemented by the user.
In CAMWorks the principle of processing-element that allows you to logically divide made details on the elements of different types of both the number of axes and by type of topology, the prismatic elements and each element of its strategy to select treatment. All selected items on the elements presented in the form of a tree of elements, similar to Tree Constructing SolidWorks. Accordingly, all processing operations are also presented as a tree of Operations with the last group of selected areas of processing. CAMWorks module is equipped with a mechanism of automatic recognition of prismatic elements, such as holes, pockets, grooves, protrusions, including chatsichno open, sloping, with upper and lower rounded and chamfered, as well as multi-holes. Dimensional parameters of the recognized elements may be used in the rules of selection tool and, if necessary, to adjust the depth of treatment as compared with the real geometry of the model element.
Items that are not recognized automatically, as well as items that need to process a specific way, can be identified online. They exist and are used along with automatically recognized, including the finished earlier natsroennyh processing strategies. If the database is not suitable finished processing strategies can always be online to add the required processing operation of each element. All parameters as derived from the data library, and added manually operations can be arbitrarily changed in sootvektstvii with the requirements of each specific details.
The module supports the configuration of CAMWorks and SolidWorks also provides an opportunity for each model configuration SolidWorks to create multiple configurations of processing that can be stored in a model of different treatment options are one piece, or even data processing on multiple machines. The results of simulation processing on a single machine can be used as a billet for processing on another machine.
CAMWorks provides all the necessary range of service operations, such as grouping of machined elements or processing operations, sorting within each set, and with the alternation of setting within the work of one taken in a shop tool, renumbering tool output in the text of the program user-defined parameters, the job parameters and the withdrawal of special service operations, such as the involvement of machine tools and measurement cycles, and so on. There editor tool path.
As the workpiece can be used marker parallelepipiedy and cylinders, sketches the contours of turning and milling blanks, stl-files and other details of SolidWorks (for operation in the assembly). Material procurement, directly influencing the calculation of cutting conditions selected from the same integrated technology database.
Module CAMWorks calculates the current state of the workpiece on the result of the operation and takes *** of its form in subsequent operations, thus excluding the so-called "cutting the air and reducing the processing time by eliminating unnecessary movements of the instrument.
Check processing results in two ways: Go to simulation mode cutting or running a full simulation of machine. In the first case, at any time during the simulation of material removal CAMWorks will quantify the results of processing performed by displaying in the form of color diagrams of the remnants of the material. The comparison is carried out directly with the model of SolidWorks, but not with some special its representation in a neutral format, which ensures the adequacy of such an analysis. The results of the simulation process can be saved as a model for subsequent use. In the case of the mechanism of imitation of the machine tool can identify and eliminate all the possible collision of moving and stationary parts of the machine and the part itself, which is especially important when multiaxis milling.
At the end of CAMWorks generates the actual control program for the machine and file a report on the results of treatment. The form of this report can be customized according to the preferences of the programmer. Module CAMWorks is always supplied with the generator postprocessors and hundreds of templates for postprocessors ubiquitous in the world control racks.
When programming, Milling-used on machines with all applicable types of work:
Roughing plane workpiece;
Roughing and Contouring of 2-axis machining of prismatic components;
Rough 3-axis machining;
Finish 3 -, 4 - and 5-axis machining with more than a dozen different schemes of the tool;
Multipass 4 - and 5-axis machining;
Drilling material for roughing;
Center the drilling, sealing washer, boring, deployment of holes;
Threading taps;
Engraving on the plane and the surface;
Processing for 3-axis machines with a single rotational axis;
Performance measurement by means of programmable machine;
Involves limiting the depth of processing, as well as the exclusion zone Asked processing or its limitations;
Uses control edges, which can not kill, but the process is not needed;
While processing assembly SolidWorks automatically cost the whole outfit.
The following types of tools:
End milling;
End mills with rounded edges and not rounded, ball end mills, tapered and straight;
Formed cutters (radius, "dovetail", fungal, ball);
Routers, whose contours are drawn by the programmer;
Tools Processing holes - the alignment, drill bits, countersinks, reamers, boring;
Single and multiple thread cutters;
Standard and drawn by the programmer mandrel.
When programming, turning the following activities:
Treatment of anterior and posterior ends;
Roughing and contouring the outer and inner contours;
Rough and contour boring internal circuits;
Roughing and contouring the outer and inner grooves;
Cutting operation;
Center the drilling, sealing washer, boring, the deployment of holes;
Threading taps;
Turning the outer and inner threads;
Transfer details of the spindle in the spindle without limiting the number of such transfers;
Use one or two slides;
Management tailstock, lunettes, catcher parts supply systems blanks;
***ing cartridges, including different for different spindles.
The following types of tools:
Cutters with a diamond-shaped plates, rectangular, square, round, hexagonal, triangular, threaded;
Tools Processing holes - the alignment, drill bits, countersinks, reamers, boring;
When programming, turning and milling applications combine all the above types of turning and milling operations, and used all of these types of tools. Turning and milling installation can be rotated in any sequence. In addition, it is possible to perform the following milling operations:
Treatment with the correct orientation of components relative to the axis C;
Treatment with continuous rotation of the workpiece axis C;
"Coiling" flat processing, including the engraving on the cylinder;
Using different types of interpolation for milling machining
When programming the erosion process, the following activities:
2-axis machining closed and open circuits;
2-axis machining of contours with a bias;
Treatment with the creation of jumpers and without them;
Full burning material inside the contour;
Creating a single operation of vertical and inclined parts of the matrix blanking dies;
4-axis machining closed and open circuits;
Managing supply and drainage, cutting conditions;
Take into *** restrictions on the permissible machine angles wire;
According to the settings of cutting technology.
In the dynamic CAD / CAM market, Geometric anticipates important technical trends and ensures that our products stay ahead of competitors. We continuously enhance our products by leveraging the advancements in technology to meet the requirements of the machine tool industry. CAMWorks ® with Machining Intelligence is the most advanced CAM programming software available for getting products to market faster, more efficiently and within budget. CAMWorks is a next generation best-of-class CNC programming solution for producing molded parts from solid models. CAMWorks is a SolidWorks ® Certified Gold Product for Manufacturing / CAM Software that provides state-of-the-art machining capabilities seamlessly integrated into the award winning SolidWorks design software. As the first CAM solution to offer true knowledge-based machining capabilities, CAMWorks leads the way in advancements in Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) and Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR). CAMWorks offers true associative machining automatically accommodating changes to the part model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates.
Being integrated into SolidWorks, CAMWorks allows a user to:
Use the CAMWorks machining tree and commands at the click of a button along with SolidWorks and generate toolpaths without leaving the SolidWorks environment.
Use the same SolidWorks geometry to generate toolpaths to ensure the part machined is the same as the part that is modeled.
Eliminate time-consuming file transfers using standard file formats such as IGES and SAT.
CAMWorks modules are available in a variety of bundles and combinations.
Choice of Machining Modules
2.5 axis, 3 axis, 4 and 5 axis Prepositioning
4 and 5 axis Simultaneous Milling
2 and 4 axis Turning
Rotary Milling
2 and 4 axis Wire EDM
Each module provides an advanced collection of cutting strategies and timesaving features to help automate the machining process.
Ease of Use
CAMWorks ® uses the familiar SolidWorks ® interface, so it is easy to learn and easy to use. The CAMWorks trees are similar to the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree. Items in the tree can be suppressed, expanded, renamed and moved using the same procedures as SolidWorks. Online help, Installation and Quick Start Guide and tutorials can help you generate toolpaths and code quickly. The tutorials are provided electronically in Adobe PDF files.
Minimize Efforts
CAMWorks is a feature-based CAM system that provides the ability to automatically recognize many machinable features. Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) analyzes the solid model geometry and identifies mill features such as holes, slots, pockets, and bosses; turning features such as outside diameters, faces, grooves and cutoffs; and wire EDM features such as die openings. AFR recognizes features regardless of the CAD system in which they were created.
Features that cannot be found automatically or that need to be defined for your specific machining requirements can be defined effortlessly using the Interactive Feature Recognition (IFR) wizard.
After machinable features have been defined, the user can take advantage of the machining automation in CAMWorks to generate operations. Machining operations include roughing, finishing, drilling, etc. Operations are associated to machinable features.
Automate and Control intelligently
Geometric Technologies (A division of Geometric Americas Inc.) 'Innovative TechDB ™ (Technology Database) is designed to significantly reduce the time required to generate machining strategies and processes. Using knowledge-based machining technology, the database associates tooling, operation strategies and machining parameters to the features. When operations are generated, CAMWorks applies these settings automatically. To further enhance the automation process, the knowledge-based rules in the TechTB are fully customizable to apply your company's best practices.
While CAMWorks promotes saving time through automation, at any time in the process full interactive manual control is available at your fingertips.
Machine Simulation
CAMWorks provides a realistic simulation of the complete machine tool, enabling collision checking between the tool and the machine components. The simulation shows the path of the tool on the actual 3D model. The complete machine tool can be created including axis configurations up to 5 Axis, machine limits, etc. The image can be manipulated during simulation to provide closer representations and views from different angles.
OS: WinAll
Language: English
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